
ICMQ India


    ICMQ India has been constituted since April 2008, with the purpose of exporting the experiences and the quality culture in a State with a great increase in the construction sector.

    The Company, with the main office in Mumbai, has been accredited by (National accreditation body for certification bodies) for the quality management system certification, product certification according with the ISO 17065 and as third party independent inspection body (type A) with reference to the standard ISO/IEC 17020.

    It carries out training activities in all the sector of certification and inspection and, in particular, the course Qms (Quality management system) Lead auditor is recognized by Nrbpt (National registration board for personnel and training).

    ICMQ India

    In its wide activity as Certification Body ICMQ India plays an important role in India also to assert the important value of sustainability. For this reason, it chose Make It Sustainable as preferred tool to be spread in local businesses.

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